Dec. 2023
Keiichi Ito
2005 I left the computer company that I had worked for a long time and made a fresh start as a photography artist
1950 born in Tokyo, Japan.
< Exhibition >
2023, Jan. ~ Jun. (Group) “NIPPON MANIA” Kunsthaus Kaufbeuren (Kaufbeuren Deutschland)
2022, Sep. ~ Jan. (Group) “Wabi Sabi” Japanmuseum SieboldHuis (Leiden Netherlands)
2021, March (Solo) " 2020Meditations " Gallery TOSEI (Tokyo)
2019, July (Solo) "A Journey of Light " Gallery TOSEI (Tokyo)
2017, 1 Sep.~30 Sep. (Solo Show) "The Scape of a Tea Bowl " Gallery TOSEI (Tokyo)
2017,17 June~16 July (6 artists) “The Silent Pulse SAKURA collection” 1839 Contemporary Gallery (Taipei Taiwan)
2015,7 May~21 June (4 artists) "Photographs from The Floating World" IBASHO gallery (Antwerpen Belgium)
2015,3 April~25 April (Solo Show) "The Silent Pulse" Gallery TOSEI (Tokyo)
2015,28 Feb~31 Mar. (Solo Show) “Hana-wa-kurenai SAKURA” Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo (Tokyo)
2014,19 May~31 Aug. (2 artists) “GIMEN NO SHITADE” schaelpic photokunstbar (Köln Deutschland)
2013, 5 Mar.~16Mar. (Solo Show) “The silent pulse” Espace Culturel Bertin Poiree (Paris, France)
2011, 12 June~ 24 July (Joint Show) “Tools” Okura Shukokan Museum (Tokyo)
2011, 2 Mar.~ 20 Mar. (Solo Show) “Tools” Gallery E&M (Tokyo)
2009, 6 Jan. ~22 Jan. (Solo Show) “Inspirations in the Moment “ epSITE Gallery (Tokyo)
<Photo festival , invited>
2014, 9 September ~26 October ; BredaPhoto international photo festival (Breda Netherlands)